The Sweetest Gift (Bible Study)
There are a multitude of problems that face the people in Cutter Gap. Think of each one and discuss how God answered prayer in each case. Read the following verses and talk about how these scriptures relate to the different scenarios in the film: Mark 11:22-25, Luke 12:22-31, & Philippians 4:19.
Read Romans 8:28, Psalm 37:4, & Thessalonians 5:16-18. If Christy and David were to read these verses, how would they affect their attitude? How did their cheerful and helpful attitude affect events in the Cove? In your life, how has faith affected your perspective during difficult times?
Give Thanks
Hardship isn’t uncommon in Cutter Gap, but this year the winter will be a particularly difficult one. In spite of adversities, those who trust God cling to prayer, believing that faith can move mountains. Unquestionably, their prayers are answered: Christy’s father makes remarkable improvement, allowing Christy to stay in Cutter Gap; the turkey hunt is successful and the mountain folk come together for the feast, and Fairlight discovers a persimmon tree that will bring income to the cove. Not only do these events speak about their faith and answered prayer, but also their ability to give thanks in the midst of their troubles, believing that good will come in the end.
Like the newly installed church bell, the scriptures ring true about giving thanks in everything. For example, because the crops have been destroyed, the mountain people join together in a common purpose — the turkey shoot — renewing friendships rather than staying isolated in the hills. Also, without her father’s extended illness, Christy’s mother would never have come to visit long enough to understand her daughter’s passion and dedication. What’s more, the mountain men wouldn’t have set aside their feuding to bring the church bell to Cutter Gap, if David hadn’t met them in their hour of need.
Not unlike the people in Cutter Gap, we can claim God’s eternal promises too. When adversity comes — and it will — we can trust Him to answer prayer in His perfect time. From the ashes of our hopes and dreams, the Lord can bring good. In our pain, He can bring joy and renewal. Have faith that your Father in heaven promises to meet all of your needs, even if it means moving a mountain.
Christy's Plea
Christy’s asks her mother to let Dr. MacNeill to treat her sick father. Mrs. Huddleston is frightened that Dr. MacNeill will not be able to treat her husband properly. Faith is believing what God has promised He will fulfill. Faith without works is dead.
Opened Eyes
Jesus said to judge a tree by it’s fruits. Her mother sees that Dr. MacNeill is not only a qualified physician but has a caring attitude. Mrs. Huddleston puts away her pride and asks Neil to give his opinion about her husband’s medical condition.
Thanksgiving Gift
By receiving Dr. MacNeill’s opinion and instruction, the Huddleston’s do not feel the need for Christy to return home to Asheville. This allows Christy to continue to follow her passion of teaching children in Cutter Gap. It proves that gifts can be more than just a material possession.
Previous: Amazing Grace (Bible Study)
Selfishness Hurts
Selfishness visits Cutter Gap when a daughter returns and a “wolf” poses in sheep’s clothing.

Next: To Have and to Hold (Bible Study)
Love: It Isn’t Black and White
Love is a mixture of feelings, something that Christy, Ida, and others in Cutter Gap discover.