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Pilot/Movie (Bible Study)

Christy answers the call to teach in Cutter Gap, but she encounters a difficult lifestyle and challenges unimagined. What obstacles does she discover that prove to be discouraging, enough to cause her to want to return home? Miss Alice asks Christy questions that cause introspection. What does Christy learn about herself as a result? Read Jeremiah 29:11, Ephesians 3:20 & Philippians 2:3-4 and then discuss a time when your motivating force may have been self-serving, but God has used your action(s) for His purpose.

Miss Alice tells Christy to look for the “light” within others. Give examples of occasions when Christy has difficulty seeing good in people who live in Cutter Gap. Over time, how does her perspective change and why? Now, think about the poor and needy in your community as well as those hurting within your sphere of influence – the workplace, church, or neighborhood. What things dissuade you from seeing the “light” in these individuals? Read Matthew 16:24-27 Ephesians 5:1-2 & John 15:12-13 and discuss God’s expectations.

Our Purpose

Christy Huddleston arrives in Cutter Gap to teach, feeling that God has called her to help others and to make a difference. But God has some work to do on her heart before she can truly be used for His purpose. His means for change is Miss Alice Henderson who is quick to see the motivations and preconceived ideas that Christy entertains. Consequently, Miss Alice asks her questions such as, why has she really come to Cutter Gap – to serve and work or to merely get away from home? The questions posed invite Christy to look within for hidden truths and motivations. Through her introspection, Christy realizes that she has taken the teaching job for the wrong reasons, to get away from home and find adventure. However, she also discovers that teaching and loving the Cutter Gap children, despite the challenges, is truly her passion and purpose; one that God has ordained. As she continues to follow His leading, her heart sees not only her students’ pain, but also the goodness and potential they possess. Because Christy’s motivation changes, God can work through her to touch others with His love.

God has a way of using our personal motivations – recognition or materialism, for example – to get us into position to do His good work. However, once we’re there, God works with out heart to reveal our true calling. Certainly, there may be obstacles and challenges, just like there are for Christy, but God has promised that He will give us strength, no matter what we face (Philippians 4:13) We only need to have a willing heart and faith that God will work through us to accomplish His purpose – one that will make a difference in the lives of others.


Christy goes to Miss Alice for guidance in her frustration of teaching school. She has to persevere and stand strong.

See the Light

Miss Alice questions Christy’s motives. Are they noble or mere selfish? Christy questions her own purpose too. Prayer brings you closer to God and His will.

Next: Lost and Found (Bible Study)

On Second Thought
Opinions and first impressions aren’t always accurate, as folks in Cutter Gap come to realize.

Lost and Found (Bible Study)
Christy Bible Study Lost and Found Chronology