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You can now share Christy GIFs with your family and friends. But first of all, what are GIFs? They are a series of small images that appear to be a video. Although traditional video is indeed a series of images as well, GIFs are small in size with a reduced amount of colors and frames. They are generally 3 to 6 seconds long with no sound. They are heavily compressed into a small file size. GIFs were created to transmit and show photos on a computer more efficiently. People now use them for memes and as a form of various emotions such as happiness and anger.

In 1987, computer scientist Steve Wilhite, who worked at CompuServe created the first GIF. It was more efficient in comparison to other formats such as PCX. The pronunciation of GIF has been debated for a long time. However the creator, Steve Wilhite, cleared up the confusion and said it should be correctly pronounced as “Jif”, similar to the peanut butter brand. 

But enough of the technical jargon. 

GIFs can have any expression. I began to create a list of them such as joy, anger, sadness, disgust and more. For the most part, GIFs are generally lighthearted and not too serious. Nevertheless, the more I thought about it, the more I realized social media is littered with negative communication and responses. I wanted to make sure they were up to par, considering the nature of the show. So I decided to base these Christy GIFs upon the 9 fruits of the spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23. I’ve also created some for the cast, characters and themes.

Send or post them via text message, email, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, Reddit and Instagram. You can also embed these on your website. Start using them, now from the @ChristyCove GIPHY channel: