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I’ll list the top 5 most difficult challenges in reaching Cutter Gap. This also includes Christy’s first few days in Cutter Gap. You can find each one in the Pilot episode

5. The Operation

Seeing Bob Allen badly injured was more than enough for Christy. She couldn’t stomach the sight of blood during Dr. MacNeill’s surgery. To make matters worse, he asks for her help during surgery. The smell of ether and the thought of what Dr. MacNeill was about to do made her lightheaded and nauseous. The exhausting hike with Mr. Pentland would obviously make her more intolerant of this.

4. Seven Miles

After the train ride Christy is greeted by, well, no one and has to track down a local. It ends up being the mailman in El Pano. A soaking rain, cold temperatures and fog add to the grueling hike to Cutter Gap. You best have long legs because it’s hill after hill to get there. At times there’s even large drop offs. As Mr. Pentland says, a woman’s long skirt isn’t the best for it. Especially a seven mile trek.

3. Authority 

Although David Grantland warns Christy about the unruly Lundy Taylor, she takes a deep breath to battle her fears. The children are not familiar with the customs of ordinary society. This includes taking the roll for class and writing down their addresses. Lundy tries to trip her and eventually throws buckeyes in the wood stove. His goal is to intimidate and challenge her. She needed a commanding presence in front of the children to gain their respect.

2. The Truth

Christy thought she would have the idealistic journey to Cutter Gap. Even at her young age she believed teaching would be easy. Most of all she wanted the adventure. However, the hike, the remoteness, and the poverty stricken conditions were beyond comprehension. Compared to her home this was anything but idealistic. The people had tattered clothes, no shoes, and merely shacks for homes. For her, it was a rude awakening. As the old saying goes, sometimes the truth hurts.

1. Cast Aside

Making the choice to take a train ride and leave home was easy. Christy was eager to go without considering the consequences. Cutter Gap resents her presence and she’s given the cold shoulder. Other than walking by God’s side she finally comes to the realization about one thing. She’s all alone. It shows the biggest challenges in reaching Cutter Gap was getting through to the hearts and minds of the people there.