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A Closer Walk (Bible Study)

David exhibits pride on various occasions; an attitude that is surprising. Discuss how he lets his ego get in the way of serving God. Also, after David’s encounter with Ault Allen, how do his actions to protect his self-esteem create the “chasms” that Miss Alice warns against?

The people of Cutter Gap are fiercely proud. What disadvantages do they bring upon themselves because of their pride? Is pride always wrong? Explain your answer. Now read Proverbs 16:18, 1 John 2:16, Proverbs 25:9, Psalm 37:11 & Psalm 147:6 and then talk about what the Bible has to say about pride versus humility.

Be Humble

Pride is worn like a badge of honor in the Cove. Men don’t do women’s work, the wives refuse to sell their quilts for fear of demeaning their husbands with the profit, and a wrong deserves revenge to restore honor. This is the culture of Cutter Gap, one that Reverend David Grantland fails to understand as he publicly reprimands Ault Allen for his laziness. Although David feels justified in his own behavior, he refuses to take the first step toward settling the issue in private. Even when Miss Alice warns the preacher of the “chasm” he is creating, he “bows his neck” and declares that reconciliation demonstrates weakness – hardly a Christ-like example of humility.

It’s easy for us to sit in judgment of the preacher, but how many times do we hold onto our pride in much the same way? Rather than extending our hand in kindness and living as a Godly example to others, we cling to our “rightness.” As a result, friendship or family ties are broken, leaving a deep abyss of hurt. The Bible tells us “…If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other.” (Matthew 5:39 NIV) No better illustration of this humility exists than that of Jesus Christ. When He could have been prideful and declared the cross beneath him, He instead took all the sins of the world upon His shoulders. If our Lord can do that for us, can’t we let go of our pride with a simple “I’m sorry”?


David scolds Ault Allen for not doing his fair share in rebuilding the schoolhouse. This results in pride and hostility between the two. It’s important to speak and correct someone in a kind manner. Just the same do not hold pride against them even if they disregard your comment.

No Apology

Miss Alice tries to diffuse the situation despite David’s resentment and grudge towards Ault. She explains that as a preacher it’s of upmost importance to set an example for the people he serves.

Previous: Both Your Houses (Bible Study)

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